21 | Speech Choir Competition

Sunday, December 27, 2015

"You are the first TM block to win the Speech Choir Competition." It still sounds surreal to me even though it's been about a week. Before it started, we were all so nervous because even though we practiced early and ahead of the other blocks, we still needed more time to rehearse (hence why we kept going out of the auditorium). I came in the room and they were already in their costumes, so I grabbed and wore mine too. We were fixing our props and everything when Miss Ceres told us to already go to the auditorium. We were all shocked as we still weren't ready to go.

Nevertheless, we had fun. While we were at the auditorium, I can't help but look at the other blocks as they also looked as if they weren't 100 percent prepared as well. But Sir Nomer's music played and we just danced our hearts out before the event started.

Then came the competition and the AC block really did well. I thought for sure they had a chance to win because they sounded really clear. The other following blocks were also good but I still favored the first AC's performance. Then came the MA and we all panicked, we went outside and rehearsed our piece. It was the first time for us to hold our props so we didn't exactly know how to do it. But we just went with it come performance time.

The came performance time and I remembered how we were all laughing because Pam, the one who edited our AVP, thought that the AVP should be about 4 minutes. While the others AVP were only around 1-2 minutes, ours were 4. Haha! But I still love it because her editing skills were really good compared to the others. Looking back, we all had a great contribution in our win. Pam's AVP really made an impression, I'm sure. Our costumes which was the props teams effort were commended as well. I also want to thank them for going to divisoria to buy us all those matching costumes. Cha and Jillian, our leaders, for teaching us and for correcting our mistakes when it comes to our diction and pronunciation and the like, KC for doing the choreography and teaching us even though we couldn't dance. And all the other details that I probably failed to mention. So much effort from the whole block!

"We are TM151 and we are amazing!"

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