22 | Public Speaking Competition

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Oh, the dreaded competition. I still remember the moment our professor, Sir Deeno, called my name as one of the top 7 who will compete. I was both honored and scared at the same time because the responsibility was immense. All I could think about was me making a fool of myself up there on stage. Three of us even thought about backing out because we were just so frightened. Then we heard the news that there was going to be an elimination round were only 3 for each room would be advancing to the final round where the speakers would be speaking in the auditorium. I immediately felt relieved as I was positive I wasn't going to beat those other speakers from the other blocks.

Then came the competition day and all I could think about was Miss Universe. Haha. At the car, I was more nervous for Pia than for myself. But when I got to school and saw my fellow block mates who were also competing, the God of nervousness struck me. Haha!

While at the auditorium, I can't help but think. What if I just sabotage my own performance so that I wouldn't advance to the top 10? That way, I would not have to speak on stage. Then we all had to go the discussion room and I was assigned to room 2 with my block mate, Pamela. We both decided to just fail on purpose. But then we was our friend from MA who seemed to competitive and wanted to win. I guess we felt the same. When Pamela was called to deliver her speech, she just aced it! After she was done, she told me to do my best as well. I had no choice and somehow, the adrenaline just rushed in me because I felt competitive as well. But I was so scared the whole time because I'm the only one who wasn't able to bring a copy of my speech. Most of them were reading their speeches while I forgot mine at home. I was the last speaker and I just spoke what I memorized. We were told to go back to the auditorium and wait for the announcement of the top 9. We were so nervous because we both had a feeling that we were going to be a part of that top 9.

And we were. I remember my block mates screaming and cheering as my name got called. The feeling of fear turned to courage. I wanted to make my block my proud. But still, I was frightened. All that I memorized somehow escaped my brain, especially that one final sentence that was to be my conclusion. When my name showed up on screen and I was to speak. An adrenaline rush just flowed in me and I felt as if a ghost had possessed me. I came up there and all that I memorized came back to me. I'm very thankful for that, maybe my guardian angel was the one that possessed me for a moment? Haha. It saved me from utter humiliation.

After I was done, I never expected to be in the top 3. There were so many good competitors that I felt as if my speech was lackluster compared to theirs. Before my name was called, me and my friend gambled. If I get to be int he top 3, she wouldn't pay her debts to me anymore. But if I don't, she would have to pay me 2x the amount. And then I was called as the 2nd runner-up. My block mates screamed and I screamed with them. I was happy. I remember myself skipping while going up there on stage to accept my awards.

I will forever cherish this experience and memory. Being a speaker (and an English speaker at that) is probably the last thing I thought I was good at. I was just always so shy and reticent. I just wanted to live in Solitude when I was young. But I finally conquered my fear of public speaking and I'm very grateful for my professors who helped me get this far. I also want to congratulate my fellow block mates.

Oh, and one last thing. I didn't tell my parents that there was going to be a competition. So when I went home with my certificate and medal, they were shocked. The look on their faces was priceless.

I just want to thank everyone,  for believing in me and for giving me this opportunity!

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