10 | The Unforgettable SoM Week!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

School of Management Week. A time for SoM students to unwind and enjoy all the activities that the school, faculty and students can offer. And I surely did have a lot of fun!

Credits to Mariane Viray for the picture

Let's start with what happened on Monday. Well, that's when the TMysteries: A Family's Secret started. It's a game where the players(5 members in a group) had to solve a mysterious, unsolved case. There were 7 groups in total if I'm not mistaken, and we all watched this story of the Roberto family and how the daughter, Luisa, disappeared. And then how she would leave her babies in front of Mrs. Maria Roberto's and Mr. Jose Roberto's front door for them to take care of. After you've watched the story you're then expected to talk about it with your group members and try to solve the case before entering "the room". The room is where you apply all your problem solving technique. It's where you actually find out what happened to Luisa.

We were scheduled to enter the room at 4:30 pm. But before we even entered, we had already solved and found out why Luisa really disappeared. This is kind of a spoiler, but it was actually her dad, Jose Roberto, who kidnapped his own daughter, hid her in their basement, and raped her, causing her to give birth to three babies. We guessed almost all of that at around 2:00 pm. What we didn't expext, however, was that inside the room, there were people who were gonna scare you. And that it was going to be really dark. We entered, and we were immediately greeted by a calculator, a laptop that required a pass code, and Luisa's diary. We felt like that was the room where we had a lot of trouble. We didn't know what the pass code is until we realized it was actually Jose Roberto's birthday. In the next room, there were dolls with codes in front of them that you had to decode. It's funny because one of our group members touched something inside the doll. I grabbed it and we found a key. Fun fact, the organizers said that the doll part was the hardest part and all the other groups had a hard time figuring it out except for us. After that, we had to crawl inside a tiny tunnel while hands were grabbing us from the fabric wall. That was the scariest because that's when our only flashlight malfunctioned. Haha! I also got trapped because there was a speaker cord strangling my neck! I thought it was just one of those web props so I decided to just rip it by forcing my way forward. I realized that wasn't true when it didn't rip apart. Everyone was on the other side while I was left alone inside the tunnel. Scariest part I tell you! In the next room, one of us had to grab the key from inside this glass that was full of slime. After that, in the next room, was the big revelation. Jose Roberto was indeed the culprit. And us, the Chocolatey Buddies (our group's name), knew it all along.

The best part about that is, we, the Chocolatey Buddies, won 1st place! We finished at around 12 minutes while the 2nd and 3rd group finished at around 20+ minutes. The other groups were unable to finish it though as each group only had 30 minutes to work with before the time runs out.

That was the highlight of the SoM week for me.

After that, we supported our block's representative in their respective competitions and activities, mainly sports. We screamed our lungs out for them! Another highlight of the week for me was the SoM night. That was the night we were going to find out who the winners were in the TMysteries game. And that was the night we abused the photo booth. 
Chocolatey Buddies: Me, Pamela Gatdula, Tinah Munoz, Mariane Viray, Andrae Recuenco.

Even though we had this feeling that were going to win. We were all still really anxious and scared to find out who really won. After we jumped from joy because of the results, we partied hard the rest of the night.

And then the next day was the day of the pageant. We supported our block mate Joshua Beredo, and also our seniors, Christian and Debbie.

At first, I thought the SoM week was just going to be like the ordinary school days, and that it wasn't going to be fun at all. Boy, was I mistaken. It truly is unforgettable.

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  1. 나를 으로 관광 여행 학생 i can say i love this event ^_^

  2. SoM Week truly is unforgettable for most of us for it is our very first fun week for our first year in staying here in APC. It's a shame though that I didn't get to join TMysteries because of the other events that we organized. I really want to join and as I see in your posts and stories it was really fun. Congrats! And also, I'll definitely join next time

  3. This event is fun and memorable. :)

  4. TMysteries was the best thing ever hahahaha i was scared as hell but i agee with you SOM Week was the best week ever and i can't wait for it to happen again :)


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