18 | The Public Speaking High School Competition. Speak Sense

Monday, November 30, 2015

Before entering the auditorium, I was actually very nervous to go and watch the high school students battle it out on the stage because I know that I will be performing on that very stage soon as well. I was chosen as one of the seven students of our section to compete. When I heard my name, I was both happy and scared. Happy because my efforts have been acknowledged and my professor thinks I can speak very well publicly, but sad and scared at the same time because I cannot bear the thought of having yet another responsibility to fall on my hands. It's just too much. I'm scared that I'll only make a fool of myself on the stage.

But the time came and the high school students finally started their speeches. Somehow, they made me feel comfortable. They were all really good and brave. The first contestant had this bedroom voice that was just so delightful to listen to. It's sad that he wasn't able to memorize his speech as he was making a few mistakes. But it was fine as his beautiful voice made up for it. Then came the other contestants and their speeches' content was really good and their delivery as well. But I was really waiting for that one speaker that will blow me away. And she came, Phoebe began her speech and I was immediately struck, especially when she became emotional. She really deserves her victory. I too became a bit emotional when I saw her trainer and classmates tear up because she won. I'm a sucker for these kinds of moments.

The highlight of the competition for me though, aside from Phoebe's speech, was the magician guy who sang a song and when he and the volunteers played this game where they had to connect the words given to them. It was really fun and I had a great laugh.

Now that the competition is over though, I can't help but think about my fate. I don't really have any intention of winning as I'm really focused on my assignments and projects (which are a lot, currently). But I'll definitely do my best! I just hope God is there with me and you guys are there to support me whatever happens. All I'm secretly praying for really is to not make a fool of myself and ruin my entire college life. Haha!

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