14 | Why I love Game of Thrones

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Before it was even made, Game of Thrones was called by many as this "big-budget nerd-out," Game of Thrones has gone beyond that, piercing the hearts of many more than the boy nerd demographic alone. Not only do non-nerds watch it, but people (yes, even women) who haven’t historically been into fantasy fall for it. And hard.

So what is about the show that makes people amazed and hooked?  It has some obvious hooks: The sword fights, the sex, the nakedness, the intrigue. But the show runs deeper than just fantasy and hits us on all kinds of other levels. Here are some of the main reasons as to why I love the show.

1. It is smart, and one can't help but to be immersed

Local television is filled with nothing but dramas, comedies, sitcoms, romantic comedies, and all that stuff that is only meant to entertain us when we watch them without even thinking anything but just letting our feelings do their part. Well, Game of Thrones is different. It's arguably one of the smartest, most nuanced shows around, in both plot and language. So smart, in fact, that it can be hard to follow, but doing so is rewarding, since our brains crave the work the show has us do.

2. It's unpredictable

You think there's a main character? You think there's a certain path that all the characters are bound to walk? Well, think again. Because the show will most likely prove you wrong. Central characters are killed, psychopaths claim power, weddings become bloodbaths, and bad guys develop consciences as time passes. The twists and turns of the plot lock us in, and the developments that are impossible to anticipate give us an adrenaline rush that keeps us coming back for more.

3. Characters are complex. Not just "good" and "bad"

One of the show's best accomplishments is it's complex characters. The characters are just so flawed and imperfect that you become emotionally invested in them. There are certain "good" characters that are flawed and make horrible mistakes that if you put them in this world, they would be considered bad. And then there are "bad" characters that do kind things that would make you think twice about hating them. In the end, you're going to think "Who really are the good guys and the bad guys?" The main point is that even the best characters are flawed and even the worst have something redeeming. Other than that, the characters are so unpredictable that you just can bank on them doing what you think they're going to do.

4. There are no archetypes and if there are, they're destroyed

The conniving queen, a ruthless king, a valiant knight, and ice zombies. Well, the last one maybe not so much, but the show sets up a number of classic archetypes, and plays with them in extremely clever ways. The sexy blonde Daenerys that is weak in the beginning becomes an independent leader later. The Imp Tyrion that everyone thinks is a monster is actually one of the most kindest in the show, not to mention one of the most brilliant. The beautiful queen that you think is nice is actually conniving. Those are just a few to give you examples, but if you watch the show, you'll know plenty more.

5. There's diversity.

There are characters of all shapes and sizes in the show. And the best thing is that the show treats “difference” both harshly and tenderly, but what it doesn’t do is ignore it. You'll know what I'm talking about once you watch the show. There are hundreds of characters in the show. Not just your male and female lead and their friends.

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