5 | Chants & Cheers Competition!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Participating in a competition is hard. Before this, we were always so sure that we'd fail when it comes to group projects. Little did we know that in just a few days, we would win as a block. We were required to participate in the Chants and Cheers competition last week so we decided to give it our all! We ended up securing the 1st runner-up position in the end which was all worth it for our hard work! But first, let's go back to when we rehearsed for the first time.

Our presentation went really well, but there was more to it than that. We committed a lot of errors during rehearsals and many changes were made. Even our choreography was done just the day of the competition. That's how unprepared we were. On the first day of rehearsals, everyone was unruly and there was no order. No matter how much our leader/leaders tried to discipline everyone, only a few listened. So nothing was done on the first day, it was just the leader asking for suggestions and trying to come up with lyrics for some melodies that we already have as most of the others weren't willing to cooperate. They worked on the lyrics for about 2-3 days.

After they finished writing the lyrics and everything. They arranged a time for us to meet after our classes has ended so that we can actually practice and get something done. Some of us were panicking as most of the other sections seem to be done, or at least almost done with their piece, and that they only needed while polishing, while we were nowhere near finished.

Credits to owner of the photo

The day came and we started rehearsing. As usual, everyone was doing their own thing, not minding the leader at all. We didn't really accomplish anything that day aside from hearing the lyrics and melody and how it works. The next day was more productive as we were actually able to memorize and sing half of our piece. However, most of us were still oblivious and didn't care at all. That is, until, our leader got mad and started scolding everyone while shouting. We all froze there, haha! She eventually cooled down and we started practicing again. This time, everyone was focused. We were able to memorize everything that day. The next day, which was the day before the competition, we started practicing our choreography but we weren't able to finish everything, only half of it. So we had to do a whole lot the day of the competition. We still had to sew our costumes, finish our choreography, polish our voices, and of course, try to rehearse from top to bottom. We weren't even sure if we were going to make it in time! All of us were frightened and thought that we might do horribly come competition time as we weren't prepared. We were proven wrong, however, as we were actually pretty decent. It's funny because while the other groups were performing, we were talking with the students from MA151 and they said they weren't ready, and we said the same thing. It's ironic because they won while we were next after them.

Credits to Nikke

It was hard. Preparing and rehearsing was hard. But it was worth it in the end as we were able to snatch the 1st runner-up position! And even if it was just for a short period of time, I actually felt that we, as a block, were united in doing our best. That says a lot because our block is not known for the word "unity". But at least we were able to prove everyone that we can be united; and that TM151 isn't a block full of students with empty minds. We're a block full of beautiful people with intelligent and creative minds.

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  1. A very nice blog. It's very scary right? We have the perseverance on the practice and passionately performed the presentation to the other people and won the 1st place <3

  2. We put our hearts and souls all throughout the practice and during the competition but we only got the First Runner-Up. I wish we did a lot better during the competition though 'coz I really want to be the CHAMPION! I'm still happy we won our very first competition. Let's do a great job for the next group works that we'll be joining. TM151!! Puso :)

  3. Its so good to read that you are experiencing your thoughts about what happened to the cheers and chants.

  4. it is one of the most memorable day of my life. we laugh, we argued we fight, but despite of that we we manage it through TEAMWORK. 1st runner up !!!

  5. We do good! Great job to us! 1st runner up is not bad :) We do our very best.

  6. it's really great to have you there guys... and i know we do all our best to make it worth. and yes we did it!

  7. It is one of the most memorable day for me, and I know that we will do our best to make it to the top, but even though we are not the champion but for me we are the best (lol) :)


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